
January 30, 2017

TaoBao Haul!

I'm already getting stocked for this summer! Actually, I ordered the package On July 2016 with TaoBaoNow but only got it delivered now in January.. it's quite a story to tell.

TaoBaoNow got my order in July, and already had everything shipped on 2nd August. The tracking number didn't work, so I contacted them after a few weeks and they told me they will ask the post. I inquired again and they said it will take 2-3 weeks for the post to investigate. I asked yet again, and they said the post told them the package got delayed in customs. By then the tracking number was just writing 'EXPIRED', and so I inquired again. This time, they said the post needs 2-3 months to investigate! The end of PayPals buyer protection was near, as it was five months from my order.. so I warned them I'll have to ask for refund. They asked to wait more, that the package was too big to be sent by the mail I paid for (what? You know that just now?) and was on their way back to them. Sounding fishy, isnt it? I issued PayPal claim and was refunded the money. Whoa whoa, not end of the story yet! Soon after, they send me photo of the package and ask me to revert the claim! No way. I let them send me new PayPal invoice. Two weeks later, the package is safely in my hands no problem! Next time I plan on using another shopping service anyway.. not worth my nerves.

What took me such great pains and half a yeat to get? A two kilo box with summer haul!

Summer hat. I have a parasol but it is not always practical to carry around, or open and close all the time when the sky is only partly cloudy. I don't want to look like a fool having an open parason when walking through a shade. Not sure about the correct parasol etiquette? Use a cute hat instead!

A gorgeous chiffon blouse. Just look on those details! It's my first chiffon blouse and oh my, it's so light, it will be perfect for summer under my chiffon Cosmic JSK!

Then comes my much sought after Infanta cutsew. I adore it but never felt like I could wear it well. It's so cute and sweet! So I decided since we live only once to buy it regardless as a present for myself. Presents don't have to be practical if you like them, right? The lace is kind of thick and unyielding, it feels kind of baggy and would probably look very bad on breasty people. Still, its very comfortable and long, down to my hips, so great to combine with salopettes or even pants for the cute casual look! It's my first lavender piece, I so need more lavender in my life this year :3

Lace for ankles on an elastics. With these, you can  instantly turn any socks into their lolita version! Or use them as emergency wristcuffs... my wrists are small so I can't, though. Also great to add that extra color you may be missing it the lower part of your coordinate to achieve that balanced look you are after! The lace is great quality, too. Pleasantly surprised, though I ordered sax and BLACK pair. TaoBaoNow screwed up again.

A cute, light sailor shirt for summer coordinates I plan to use together with my Angelic Pretty Dreamy Horoscope JSK in navy when the day is hot!

And lastly, the much needed OTKs to go with my Angelic Pretty Wonder Party skirt in sax.

Some odds and ends like plain tights and two present were not included on my pictures :3
I certainly feel ready for hot summer now!

January 26, 2017

Tea Time a la Carte Salopette!

For quite some time now, I was looking at petite lolitas in salopettes and it looked so cute I decided to give it a try! HERE I hoard salopette pictures.

I bought Angelic Pretty's A la Carte Tea Time salopette in ivory, along with the barette and OTKs. Its beautiful piece on its own. The apron part is removable, as well as the front and back bows. The straps are adjustable, and the skirt has two big pockets!

My enthusiams was quenched by actually trying it on. I'm not even tall with my 165 cm height, yet the salopette looks like meant for much smaller person. Sweet Indeed also finds the salopette very short! The skirt is not only shorter, but of mini-skirt lenght rather, with 36 cm waist to lower hem! I'd call the outfit Fairy Kei.

The skirt sits on the hips, so it cant be let lower by adjusting the straps, and it can not be used together with most lolita blouses, as those end up at waist and so they're too short!

It took a bit of fooling around to come up with a way to wear this piece. I ended up using it as a printed apron over another lolita dress. With a BtSSB Cutsew OP on the left and Bodyline sailor OP on the right.

Bonus shot!

January 17, 2017

LBC: New Year's Resolutions

With new year comes resolution time! I'm not a person to believe much in new years resolutions (why wait till new year when you can start right now!?) but they may be handy for keeping yourself on track in your lolita life! Let's see what I would like to do this year:
  • Do a closet cleaning
For two years now I keep telling myself I need to purge my closet of the pieces I dont wear. It's time to do something about it!
  • Search for my dream dress
Fancy box shoulder frill JSK in navy, so elusive. Half a year keeping eye on auctions, facebook groups, even japanese sites resulted in nothing. Maybe this year I'll be lucky!

  • Decorate my bedroom
I hoped to do this last year, since I got new wardrobe the year before, but all I managed was to buy a shelf and clothes rack (handy!). Time to do more.. maybe some pastel curtains, and hopefully set up a spot for taking coord shots. Someday I wish for AP posters.
  • Go to Angelic Pretty tea party
Thats a big goal! I always wanted to see AP tea party, though I was never able to go. Going to Paris would also mean visiting Angelic Pretty and BtSSB shops, and this time I'd have friends along for company! The most critical part is grabbing tea party tickets.. I hope for luck!

  • Write this blog at least bi-weekly
I would like 3-4 entries a month but let's not set the goal (and hopes) too high..
  • Keep both of my Tumblrs active
For the times I am less wordy, I use my personal lolita tumblr. As lolita fashion is a lot of eye candy to swoon over, I also have a second tumblr to collect these pictures, sorted by brands and prints with use of tag, with queque still loaded for a daily dose of frills.
  • Take more coord pictures
Whenever possible! I'm so iffy about having decent quality pictures quick mirror shots don't do the trick. Most of the times I don't even take any photos! I'd like to better document my day to day style, if one to have some nice memories to look at years later.

It's going to be busy year!
More blogs who participated:

January 1, 2017

Wardrobe 2017

It's wardrobe post time again, yay! I'm wearing mostly sweet lolita and Angelic Pretty is my favorite brand, althought I wear also older sweet style marked by solids. Bodyline makes a good wardrobe filler for running errands or housework, and theres an occasional replica (gasp!) when you just don't feel like risking brand - and there are sadly many such occasions if you wear lolita fashion on daily basis! A cute apron is a must in such a case too. So far I only hoarded clothes for the last four years, but its time for a closet cleaning! I just can't get myself do it x.x Anyway, two years ago, I was pretty wordy about my wardrobe, so this time I chose more of a catalog style format. The links lead to their lolibrary entries, wow! Since Im wiser from the last years wardrobe post fiasco, when I did all over view of the items by categories at last minute bad winter light, I took my photos still in autumn. Talk about being ready! Not pictured separately: petticoats, bloomers, offbrand t-shirts I use under JSKs when lazy.

When I open my closet..



 AP Precocious Lady JSK            AP Dolce OP                Bodyline Sailor OP               Dear Celine OP

   Loli-loli paradise JSK             BtSSB cutsew OP             AP A la Carte.. salo          BtSSB Cherry... OP

     IW Bouquet Doll OP  Chess Story Marriage d'Amour            Bodyline                     IW Florence OP

BtSSB Floral Lace..JSK     AP Dreamy Horoscope JSK  Loli-loli paradise OP         Dream of Lolita JSK



BtSSB Twinkle Constellation...                      AP Wonder Party                             Dream of Lolita 

              Anna House                                          Bodyline                                  Bodyline Love Jewelry

                Bodyline                                 Bodyline Magical Cosmetics                HMHM Star embroidery



                                 Bodyline                              Bodyline                            Infanta

                                  Bodyline                         Anna House                          Offbrand

                                Bodyline                           Angelic Pretty                    Anna House



                           Angelic Pretty                      Angelic Pretty                         Bodyline

                                 Offbrand                       Innocent World                       BtSSB                 


Cardigans and Boleros   

          Bodyline                             Bodyline                            Bodyline                               Bodyline 

         Bodyline                                Offbrand                           Offbrand                              Offbrand



        Bodyline               An*Tai*Na                    Bodyline                An*Tai*Na               An*Tai*Na








Coat and parasol

                                                                  AP Jewelry girl coat

All the lolita fashion items together


Previous wardrobe posts: