
January 1, 2017

Wardrobe 2017

It's wardrobe post time again, yay! I'm wearing mostly sweet lolita and Angelic Pretty is my favorite brand, althought I wear also older sweet style marked by solids. Bodyline makes a good wardrobe filler for running errands or housework, and theres an occasional replica (gasp!) when you just don't feel like risking brand - and there are sadly many such occasions if you wear lolita fashion on daily basis! A cute apron is a must in such a case too. So far I only hoarded clothes for the last four years, but its time for a closet cleaning! I just can't get myself do it x.x Anyway, two years ago, I was pretty wordy about my wardrobe, so this time I chose more of a catalog style format. The links lead to their lolibrary entries, wow! Since Im wiser from the last years wardrobe post fiasco, when I did all over view of the items by categories at last minute bad winter light, I took my photos still in autumn. Talk about being ready! Not pictured separately: petticoats, bloomers, offbrand t-shirts I use under JSKs when lazy.

When I open my closet..



 AP Precocious Lady JSK            AP Dolce OP                Bodyline Sailor OP               Dear Celine OP

   Loli-loli paradise JSK             BtSSB cutsew OP             AP A la Carte.. salo          BtSSB Cherry... OP

     IW Bouquet Doll OP  Chess Story Marriage d'Amour            Bodyline                     IW Florence OP

BtSSB Floral Lace..JSK     AP Dreamy Horoscope JSK  Loli-loli paradise OP         Dream of Lolita JSK



BtSSB Twinkle Constellation...                      AP Wonder Party                             Dream of Lolita 

              Anna House                                          Bodyline                                  Bodyline Love Jewelry

                Bodyline                                 Bodyline Magical Cosmetics                HMHM Star embroidery



                                 Bodyline                              Bodyline                            Infanta

                                  Bodyline                         Anna House                          Offbrand

                                Bodyline                           Angelic Pretty                    Anna House



                           Angelic Pretty                      Angelic Pretty                         Bodyline

                                 Offbrand                       Innocent World                       BtSSB                 


Cardigans and Boleros   

          Bodyline                             Bodyline                            Bodyline                               Bodyline 

         Bodyline                                Offbrand                           Offbrand                              Offbrand



        Bodyline               An*Tai*Na                    Bodyline                An*Tai*Na               An*Tai*Na








Coat and parasol

                                                                  AP Jewelry girl coat

All the lolita fashion items together


Previous wardrobe posts:


  1. Such a nice wardrobe post, everything is so neat!

    Gotta work hard to finish making pics for my wardrobe post :)

    1. Thank you! I'd love to see your wardrobe post :3

  2. Wonderful wardrobe!!!! You have a lot of cute stuffs *__* ♥
