
October 16, 2017

Angelic Pretty's Dreamy Horoscope

Angelic Pretty's Dreamy Horoscope appeared in Angelic Pretty's Summer Catalog 2012,

and also in KERA.

I immediately fell for it. Cute, astronomical theme, it was like made for me. For a while the pictures just sat in my computer folder and I collected it's outfits on my tumblr while I didn't dare to invest so much into such a sweet sack dress. Eventually, as I didn't let go and kept wanting it, I bought the JSK in navy in 2014!

Within four months, I managed to collect everything I needed for a coord to make the dress it's deserved justice: navy tea parties, barette, star-shooting OTKs, spacious pink bag and pink blouse!

                  AP Dreamy Horoscope JSK in navy
                  Blouse: Bodyline
                  OTKs: Secret Shop
                  Socks: ebay
                  Shoes: An*tai*na
                  Bag: offbrand
                  Not pictured: white Dreamy Horoscope barette 
                         too big to do anything with in my outfits T.T

Here's the finished navy x pink outfit I wore for the June meetup! (2014)
It can be combined with white too, as in my casual IDL outfit ^.^ (2016)

I even tried to make it work with a navy long sleeved shirt using wristcuffs! (2017)
            I'm never letting this dress go :3

1 comment:

  1. All your outfits are very cute! And it's nice that you got it after wanting it like that, and that you still have it now :)
