
April 3, 2018

2014: 4 Stages of Lolita Pregnancy

As we grow into adulthood, some or many of us may get children. Is it a reason to stop wearing frilly fashion? Most likely not. Although the pregnancy can be hard on a body, so it may not be possible to wear whatever you want, with the right choices you will probably be able to wear lolita fashion for the most of it. Granted, I had no health problems so while I could, someone may not be able to, but I'd still like to share my experience.

1st trimester

No changes we required in my wardrobe. 

2nd trimester

The belly is growing but it's still quite easy to wear lolita fashion. I found myself opting out of skirts which are not fully shirred, though. Dresses are fine, they don't push on the belly.

Some of my daily outfits in 2nd trimester. Back-shirred BtSSB tartan JSK, back-shirred Bodyline JSK with floral pattern and a fully shirred Anna House skirt. The blouses are Anna House, shoes are Bodyline.

3rd trimester

Troubles are starting. The belly is big, skirts are unusable. Highwaist dresses are fine only for first half of 3rd trimester. Dresses from cutsew material and sack-cuts are wearable. Deflated petticoats are finally usable, fluffed to the side and to the back.

My high-waisted Angelic Pretty's Precocious Lady JSK and sack-cut Angelic Pretty's Dreamy Horoscope JSK outfits. I'm lucky it was summer and so I didn't need a lot of layers.

Before delivery

Left only with an offwhite cutsew sack dress from BtSSB. Even my Dreamy Horoscope JSK now sits funny on me. I can barely put on shoes by myself. Five days before delivery!


  1. That's a very good article, the photo examples are really helpful. In the last ever Tea Party Club annual from the UK there was a very detailed article about a Lolita Mum experience, from pregnancy up until the children grow up to be a bit like toddlers, which was really good, I think you might find it interesting too (although I'm not sure if there are scans of it anywhere). She talked about post-pregnancy body vs Lolita clothes and what to consider when going to a meet whilst the baby is still, well, a baby etc. It was very interesting indeed.

    1. Thank you, I'll get to baby nursing article someday as well :) Could you please let me know where I can find the Tea party club online? It sounds intriguing.

  2. I'm not sure how recently you had your baby, but congratulations even if I'm really, really late.

    This was an excellent look at how you wore lolita through pregnancy, very interesting. I also admire your dedication...lolita five days before delivery!

    1. Thank you so much!

      I had my baby in autumn 2014, but I'm just catching up with my blogs from that time.. while also posting new experiences. I guess I could shuffle the posts into chronological order when I'm all up to date? I'm not sure what would be less confusing.

  3. This is cute. When I see your outfits from the third trimester with Angelic Pretty's Dreamy Horoscope JSK, I feel sorry that I couldn't wear lolita clothing during my pregnancy. Maybe next time. :D

  4. Thanks for this article! I hope I will be a pregnant lolita too one day, so it's good to know what should I prepare for :D

    1. Everyone withstands pregnancy differently, I was lucky to not suffer any nausea or health problems :3 Good luck with yours, someday! :)

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