
January 30, 2019

Wardrobe 2019

This year my wardrobe didn't change much. I was able to get a couple of Angelic Pretty pieces I love for a long time, sold some things I never wear, and plan to refine my wadrobe further. I wear sweet lolita and my favorite brand is Angelic Pretty. I have also a few BtSSB pieces. At home, I often wear Bodyline. 

I got a reflex camera so the pictures should be more of an eye candy ^.^ and decided to omit more casual things, like pullovers, casual pastel cutsews, frilly pastel socks and all such kind of not specifically lolita cutesy wear. Enjoy!


  1. I love the variety of colour you have in your wardrobe, whilst still keeping it distinctly sweet in style/theme. And the pictures definitely are eye candy!

    1. Thank you! The color variety mostly comes from wearing the fashion often.. I love pink, sax and navy the most though!

  2. Tohle je moc krásně nafocený wardrobe post. A ty fotky doplňků, detaily, barvičky. :3 Skoro si na ně můžu sáhnout. :D Ta poslední fotka je naprosto dokonalá. Vybrala bych si u tebe. :D
