Another year passed and it is time for a wardrobe post again! Looking back, my wardrobe didn't change so much since the last year's Wardrobe post. I mostly filled up on a few missing items and finally got a proper lolita coat. So this time, I'll focus more on the overall feel of the wardrobe instead of cluttering it with every dress or brand separately. Its time for brand and offbrand to hang side by side! But before we start, lets see how far I got since I started lolita.. this GIF shows the development of my wardrobe <(^.^)>
Lets start with the dresses.. I was thinking I'm definetly a JSK person, until I realized half of my dresses are OPs! It certainly feels like I get more wear of the JSKs though. As this is the longest part, I'll enumerate the dresses from the left to avoid getting you lovelies lost!
1. Soft chiffon Cosmic great for the hottest summer.
2. Comfy cutsew BtSSB OP for home or sleep.
3. Chess Story Marriage d'Amour - if I ever get married I'm going
with this dress, its the longest of my dresses as well!
4. My daily Bodyline's floral JSK L510. Its from thick cotton, comfortable
and hard to wrinkle, one of the most often worn pieces of my wardrobe.
5. Bouquet Doll OP I wore to the Innocent World Tea Party in Vienna
6. The compulsory red tartan piece perfect for autumn. The material is soft
but thick and quite warm, and it has pockets!
7. The dusty pink dress is Innocent World's Florence OP, my first lolita dress ever
and as fancy as I dared back then.
8. Another summery piece, AP's Precocious Lady with high waist and dusty white jaquard layer.
9+10. The two baby pink dresses are AP's Dolce OP and Bodyline's sailor collared OP.
11. We're getting darker - the pink and black dress is Dear Celine's chiffon OP,
which passes for a normal dinner dress and that counts sometimes.
12. Undiscernable BtSSB's black cutsew OP Cherry Patterned Mesh
13. BtSSB's navy Floral Lace Ruffle JSK, which is made from thick cotton
and makes for great winter dress.
14. Summery dress again, it is AP's Dreamy Horoscope JSK in navy, to which I have white barette.
Its my most favourite dress and I love to coord the navy with pink,
but it looks great with white as well.
15. Sax replica of Milky Planet from DoL.. for when I go somewhere I want to dress sweet
but do not want to risk my nice dresses. I bet almost noone outside lolita community
can tell the difference anyway, they are all weird clothes for them :]
I'm definetly a dress person, but sometimes one just has to opt for a skirt. I got a few of them for such occasions, but one I really love to wear whenever! Its the left skirt, AP's Wonder Party with a dusty blue color (None of my blues match, aw!). Then there is sax Sugary Planet replica of the same terrible quality, bad printing and stiff cloth like my Milky Planet OP replica. The following Bodyline floral skirt is the skirt which takes most of the beating, simple, unconspicuous and great for chores, as well as the next one, a bit short peachy pink Anna House skirt (yes, my pinks do not match either! x.x).The two Bodyline skirts which follow I actually never wear and I should finally get to sell them. The last is a black HMHM skirt embroided with little stars and bows
Its blouses time! From left again, a Bodyline blouse with just too big peter pan collar, an offbrand blouse I bought damaged for cheap when I was starting lolita and didn't yet fix, then Anna House blouse I wear almost daily. Then follows a long sleeved Bodyline blouse which has the sleeves just a little too short making it great for computer work - no ruffles or lace in way! And A long sleeved Anna House blouse with just those ruffles, but otherwise looking neater than its Bodyline counterpart. The last white blouse is an Angelic Pretty with detachable sleeves and cute stars embroided in its lace - that is a gual achieved from last year, I got a brand blouse, yay! However, the pink Bodyline blouse is the cutest of them all. The two black blouses are Infanta and Bodyline blouse with detachable sleeves, bought simply because I missed a short-sleeved back blouse.
Last year, I wanted to expand my collection of cutsews, and I did it! Cutsews are just so comfortable and easy to wear. From left again, its a stunning sax AP's cutsew going nicely with my sax Wonder Party skirt, then a Bodyline cutsew blouse, AP's cutsew again - I love the neck ties and the little cute lace trims on the sleeves! Then a warm dusty pink BtSSB cutsew, and an offbrand cutsew of amazingly high quality. The last is the old rose long Innocent World cutsew, with the exact color and lace of my Innocent World's Florence OP!
When it gets colder, I add a cardigan to my outfit. All my four cardigans are Bodyline! Turtlenecks are great under JSK in cold weather, or as a top with a skirt and a cute necklace. When it is freezing outside, I take the AP's jacket. Its woolen and seems quite thin, so at first I didn't think I could use it in winter, but with a blouse, JSK and cardigan under it I'm not cold at all! The fur is removable so it makes a nice spring/autumn coat as well. Lighter color would be cuter but I opted for practicality with the coat and got a color which won't get dirty so quickly.
Thats all the big pieces. Now for the smaller items... here is my collection of fancier legwear: 2 printed tights on the left, under them an IW and BtSSB OTKs topped with torchon lace, and a stash of OTKs. The black and pink ones are IW, beside are Metamorphose, to the right is AP. The lower row is offbrand padding of the wardrobe.
On normal days, I would wear just plain colored legwear. To the left are plain colored tights and white OTKs, to the right is my plain socks supply including cute white and pink socks trimmed with lace.
The offwhite Bodyline shoes are as comfy as slippers, I wear them the most. I got also a pair on small heel, but I can't walk in them at all! On the other hand, I love teaparties. I'd have them in every color if I could reason myself into that! An*Tai*na's teaparties are cute, but I really should have gone with Secret Shop instead.. I couldn't tell the difference in look back then. I also have simple gray boots for winter, which are girly enough to wear with a dress but not very lolita on their own. All lolita winter boots I could find have heels, ow!
I stocked up on accessories during the last year. Let me write a little something about a few pieces. At the head accessory photo, the navy headbow comes with the navy BtSSB dress and is my biggest bow I wear. The sax bow comes with AP's Wonder Party skirt and has adorable little golden spoon and fork on the chain. The white AP's Dreamy Horoscope barette is a bit bulky and I didn't figure out yet what to do with it even when I bought it separately from Japan.. it is bigger than I expected.
Here are the other accessories. The adorable pink wristcuffs were handmade by another lolita and have bows with pearl chain you can switch between, pink or offwhite. At the bottom right is a 'I want to try classic' starting package to go with my Innocent World dresses.
Three bags, a cute metallic 'suitcase' to go with my red BtSSB tartan JSK, and a compulsory Bodyline tote I never end up using anyway because I fear something may fall off it.
Petticoats are Bunny House, offbrand, and Bodyline. The pink Bunny House petticoat is a monster, I went for middle poofiness and it doesn't find under my dresses! I guess I'll have to find a way to deflate it.
Some of the random stuff. Parasol is not pictured, as well as bloomers. I also use a lot of thin normal t-shirts under my blouses, normal winter cap and scarf and so on.. not worth picturing. What is lolita is my typical milky brown wig with two ponytails and a brown clip on fringe. I also own exactly one lolita magazine written in japanese which I cant read, and I keep most of the extra bows and waistties I don't use in a separate box, because - did you ever try to sit back against chair with that waistties bow knot in the way? Ow! And for the last, there is a bag where I keep cutesy thingies from tea parties, notes from sellers and other memorabilia.
Thats all! I hope you enjoyed yourself reading through my rant. Here is one final picture overlooking my closet!
I'm definetly a dress person, but sometimes one just has to opt for a skirt. I got a few of them for such occasions, but one I really love to wear whenever! Its the left skirt, AP's Wonder Party with a dusty blue color (None of my blues match, aw!). Then there is sax Sugary Planet replica of the same terrible quality, bad printing and stiff cloth like my Milky Planet OP replica. The following Bodyline floral skirt is the skirt which takes most of the beating, simple, unconspicuous and great for chores, as well as the next one, a bit short peachy pink Anna House skirt (yes, my pinks do not match either! x.x).The two Bodyline skirts which follow I actually never wear and I should finally get to sell them. The last is a black HMHM skirt embroided with little stars and bows
Its blouses time! From left again, a Bodyline blouse with just too big peter pan collar, an offbrand blouse I bought damaged for cheap when I was starting lolita and didn't yet fix, then Anna House blouse I wear almost daily. Then follows a long sleeved Bodyline blouse which has the sleeves just a little too short making it great for computer work - no ruffles or lace in way! And A long sleeved Anna House blouse with just those ruffles, but otherwise looking neater than its Bodyline counterpart. The last white blouse is an Angelic Pretty with detachable sleeves and cute stars embroided in its lace - that is a gual achieved from last year, I got a brand blouse, yay! However, the pink Bodyline blouse is the cutest of them all. The two black blouses are Infanta and Bodyline blouse with detachable sleeves, bought simply because I missed a short-sleeved back blouse.
Last year, I wanted to expand my collection of cutsews, and I did it! Cutsews are just so comfortable and easy to wear. From left again, its a stunning sax AP's cutsew going nicely with my sax Wonder Party skirt, then a Bodyline cutsew blouse, AP's cutsew again - I love the neck ties and the little cute lace trims on the sleeves! Then a warm dusty pink BtSSB cutsew, and an offbrand cutsew of amazingly high quality. The last is the old rose long Innocent World cutsew, with the exact color and lace of my Innocent World's Florence OP!
When it gets colder, I add a cardigan to my outfit. All my four cardigans are Bodyline! Turtlenecks are great under JSK in cold weather, or as a top with a skirt and a cute necklace. When it is freezing outside, I take the AP's jacket. Its woolen and seems quite thin, so at first I didn't think I could use it in winter, but with a blouse, JSK and cardigan under it I'm not cold at all! The fur is removable so it makes a nice spring/autumn coat as well. Lighter color would be cuter but I opted for practicality with the coat and got a color which won't get dirty so quickly.
Thats all the big pieces. Now for the smaller items... here is my collection of fancier legwear: 2 printed tights on the left, under them an IW and BtSSB OTKs topped with torchon lace, and a stash of OTKs. The black and pink ones are IW, beside are Metamorphose, to the right is AP. The lower row is offbrand padding of the wardrobe.
On normal days, I would wear just plain colored legwear. To the left are plain colored tights and white OTKs, to the right is my plain socks supply including cute white and pink socks trimmed with lace.
The offwhite Bodyline shoes are as comfy as slippers, I wear them the most. I got also a pair on small heel, but I can't walk in them at all! On the other hand, I love teaparties. I'd have them in every color if I could reason myself into that! An*Tai*na's teaparties are cute, but I really should have gone with Secret Shop instead.. I couldn't tell the difference in look back then. I also have simple gray boots for winter, which are girly enough to wear with a dress but not very lolita on their own. All lolita winter boots I could find have heels, ow!

I stocked up on accessories during the last year. Let me write a little something about a few pieces. At the head accessory photo, the navy headbow comes with the navy BtSSB dress and is my biggest bow I wear. The sax bow comes with AP's Wonder Party skirt and has adorable little golden spoon and fork on the chain. The white AP's Dreamy Horoscope barette is a bit bulky and I didn't figure out yet what to do with it even when I bought it separately from Japan.. it is bigger than I expected.
Here are the other accessories. The adorable pink wristcuffs were handmade by another lolita and have bows with pearl chain you can switch between, pink or offwhite. At the bottom right is a 'I want to try classic' starting package to go with my Innocent World dresses.
Three bags, a cute metallic 'suitcase' to go with my red BtSSB tartan JSK, and a compulsory Bodyline tote I never end up using anyway because I fear something may fall off it.
Petticoats are Bunny House, offbrand, and Bodyline. The pink Bunny House petticoat is a monster, I went for middle poofiness and it doesn't find under my dresses! I guess I'll have to find a way to deflate it.
Some of the random stuff. Parasol is not pictured, as well as bloomers. I also use a lot of thin normal t-shirts under my blouses, normal winter cap and scarf and so on.. not worth picturing. What is lolita is my typical milky brown wig with two ponytails and a brown clip on fringe. I also own exactly one lolita magazine written in japanese which I cant read, and I keep most of the extra bows and waistties I don't use in a separate box, because - did you ever try to sit back against chair with that waistties bow knot in the way? Ow! And for the last, there is a bag where I keep cutesy thingies from tea parties, notes from sellers and other memorabilia.
Thats all! I hope you enjoyed yourself reading through my rant. Here is one final picture overlooking my closet!
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