
September 25, 2016

2016/09/16 Chocolate afternoon in Prague

Finally going to a lolita fashion meetup after over two years break! I travelled to our capital, beautiful historical city Prague, to meet organized by Mitsu and Yuki. It looked like the whole country is going to have a rainy day, but a sudden weather change gave us chance for our photoshoot!

We met on Wenceslas square, one of the buisest places in the whole country. Luckily enough, lolita silhouette is easy to spot, so we had no trouble gathering, although we had to suffer a load of random passerbys photographing us. As soon as we gathered, we moved to a nearby quiet Franciscan garden and started taking outfit photos!

I decided for my favorite dress and astronomical theme outfit!
Dress: Angelic Pretty’s Dreamy Horoscope JSK in navy
Blouse: Bodyline
Cardigan: Bodyline
Shoes: An*tai*na
Bag and accessories: TaoBao and offbrand

I really loved the combination of black x red of Yuki's outfit 
with BtSSB Early Summer Chocolate Strawberry Parfait Skirt. 
Made in 2005, one of the oldest pieces I've seen and still rocking it!

The cutest chocolate bear pair with a plushy bear to match their theme!

Who photographs the photographer? People with smartphones! :D

Probably not the way to spread love for the sweet style.. had to try it anyway!

After photoshoot we moved into an exquisite chocolate coffeeshop.

We had reserved the back room of the shop for our meet, and we all got a nametag along with a little present containing a bow and a pin. There were 25 people so the tags came handy! 

I also got my hands on a Gothic Lolita Bible for the first time! Yuki brought along her latest issue. Its great to see many smaller brands featured in the magazine latedly. 

Then we played a minigame. Since it was a chocolate meet, everyone picked a pape'r slip containing either a chocolate type or chocolate ingredient and you had to find your match. I got Willy Wonka Chocolate o.O matched by Golden ticket (which won special small price!) Luckily my match knew the movie and found me quickly :D

We also had an outfit contest, with three winners of equal vote count! So three people got to enjoy first place, and I was between the winners, yay!  

By the time I got back home, it was already night. I passed a beautifully lit fountain along my walk home, so I'm ending my meetup post with just that photo and wish you all a nice evening.

Take a look on the meetup through another participants eyes!

Photos by me, Yuki, and Jidรกลก Photo


  1. I'm so happy you attended the meetup ♥ You're such a nice person and I hope we'll meet in the future again ♪☺

    1. Thank you! It was wonderful to meet more sweet lolita fans ^.^
