
October 9, 2016

Retaking photo of my first coordinate after 4 years!

In my melancholic mood I've decided to compare myself of 2016 with myself of 2012, exactly the time I wore lolita fashion the first time, on my first meetup. Of course I barely had any frilly clothes four years ago, but I still keep my first brand dress! Actually, I've yet to do a closet cleaning (I'm a hoarder) so I could dress into my first ever complete coordinate again!

Autumn 2012
Autumn 2016
Blouse, Shoes, OTKs: Bodyline

Well, thats less diference than I expected. I changed hairstyles for the fringe favored in the fashion, lost a bit of weight, and learnt to take better outfit photos.

How did time change your outfit photos?

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