
May 11, 2017

2017-05 Tiny meetup in a tea shop

Mitsu visited our city so all the lolitas (numbered two) gathered to meet her ^.^ We met in a tea shop. The weather was on our side so we could sit in their garden under blooming wisterias! We had tea, of course, and sahlep, which is a warm, sweet milky drink made from tubers of an orchid (or so wikipedia says.. but its delicious!). We had some great time chatting together.

Dress: BtSSB Tartan JSK
Blouse: Anna House
Shoes: Bodyline

The bracelet was a gift from Mitsu and the bow in my hair was a gift from Ruki.
I've such wonderful friends ♥


  1. I have never heard of sahlep before but it sounds very interesting, and definitely something I'd like to try!

    Small meets like these are so lovely for getting to know people better, as everyone gets a chance to properly talk ^_^

    I simply love old school tartan pieces, and you pull it off really well! The red is lovely on you <3

    1. Thank you, I love small meets! I see you also have a tartan piece by Btssb. They're great, aren't they? And so much easier for daily wear than delicate chiffon or overly decorated pieces!
