
June 3, 2017

Inspiration: Hellowonderland

I've seen pictures of this cute lolita from time to time on Tumblr (tagged some here), and came to realize its Hellowonderland from Livejournal (her livejournal is blank now). Lately I've seen yet another old tumblr photo of her and wondered, what happened to her? Does she still wear lolita? So I turned to google, and the answer is YES, and she rocks it as well as ever!

Alice's Blog , Tumblr , Flickr , Twitter , Instagram   

Alice has birthday on 21th July and lives in Chicago with her husband she married seven years ago. She looks very young, I'd bet she must be minor, she's so petite with her size 0 and height 160 cm! Actually Alice is 31 now so we are similar age! She dresses in sweet lolita since 2006 and her favorite brands are Angelic Pretty, with BtSSB as second, with preference to the older pieces. Her favorite colors are pink and white. She also loves ballet, cupcakes, knitting, baking, reading, writing letters, and likes pink electronics. Alice also collects My little pony, Sailor Moon items, and has a few BDJ dolls. She's blogging since 2009, and has a younger sister who dresses in sweet lolita in black colorway (I'd love to see more pictures of them together!) 

I love her blog serie tagged On being lolita. She adresses there many topics important for lolitas, like laundry, saving up (1) (2), taking pictures, planning picnics or tea parties, less pleasant experiences like rain, unwanted attention, halloween or flying in lolita, and also gives advice to lolitas just starting out. Some of her posts are more like an essays. She explains her view on lolita rules and ponders lolita lifestyle (1), (2), (3).And often times I find myself agreeing with her opinion, just she writes it better than I could have expressed it!

I was also eager to read her Angelic Pretty tea party at ACEN report (day 0, 1, 2, 3), since I would love to see Angelic Pretty tea party one day.. hopefully before I grow old, haha!

Sometimes, you get to know a bit about her, like how she started lolita, though its very rare. For the most curious there is a 100 questions baton! She also showed us her ponies, room and wardrobe (surely much bigger now :) Alice is always so well coordinated and cute, I wish we had more people like that!

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