August 4, 2018

Main piece wishlist

Over the last few years, I've hunted down the pieces I coveted the most.. now I don't have an absolute favorite to keep looking for, but I plan to get some of these sweet Angelic Pretty dresses eventually.. (excluding these I never expect to find at reasonable price: La Princesse Sucre dress and Wish Me Mell Tea Time dress.)

      Toy Parade OP (2012)             Sugary Carnival OP           Decoration Dream apron skirt

           Milky Planet OP                    Sugar Hearts OP             Fancy Paper Dolls tiered JSK

Misty Sky skirt (2012) or (2013) in sax

Right, I love the old era of sweet. What dresses are *you* looking for? 

August 1, 2018

Meet the lolita!

There happened an awesome idea on Rufflechat, Meet the Lolita! The idea is to make a collage about yourself, so people can get to know about you and to discover if you've something in common. The idea got to international scale and there are over hundred images on Instagram under #meetthelolita tag!

I have made mine too! Since I couldn't really decide on a favorite dresses, I went with accessories I love instead ♥ Do you like it? Did you or do you plan to make yours too! Show off in comments! =^.^=

My blank version, free to use :)
Click the image for full resolution.