I really liked the print in sax from first sight but seeing it in person in 2013, I made my mind about buying it. The dress is definetly sweet, yet the teacup motif gives it a light classical vibe - no animals or foods! and the sax colorway is a pleasant slightly dusty shade. As the dress is quite expensive so I got a skirt.. I needed a fancy skirt anyway!
There was a detachable bow at the skirt, with cute little untesils. The skirt is has a built in petticoat, custom lace, partial shirring, side zipper, detachable waist ties, and - behold - a pocket!
I quickly put together a coord with offbad accessories and Bodyline blouse and cardigan. The Bodyline sax cardigan is absolutely adorable by the way, with many cute small details and quality lace. I ended up using the detachable bow in place of headbow for the coord in the end.
My absolute favorite is this photo of me from Valentine's meetup in 2017.
October 23, 2017
October 16, 2017
Angelic Pretty's Dreamy Horoscope
Angelic Pretty's Dreamy Horoscope appeared in Angelic Pretty's Summer Catalog 2012,
and also in KERA.
I immediately fell for it. Cute, astronomical theme, it was like made for me. For a while the pictures just sat in my computer folder and I collected it's outfits on my tumblr while I didn't dare to invest so much into such a sweet sack dress. Eventually, as I didn't let go and kept wanting it, I bought the JSK in navy in 2014!

Within four months, I managed to collect everything I needed for a coord to make the dress it's deserved justice: navy tea parties, barette, star-shooting OTKs, spacious pink bag and pink blouse!
AP Dreamy Horoscope JSK in navy
Blouse: Bodyline
OTKs: Secret Shop
Socks: ebay
Shoes: An*tai*na
Bag: offbrand
Not pictured: white Dreamy Horoscope barette
too big to do anything with in my outfits T.T
Here's the finished navy x pink outfit I wore for the June meetup! (2014)
It can be combined with white too, as in my casual IDL outfit ^.^ (2016)
I even tried to make it work with a navy long sleeved shirt using wristcuffs! (2017)
I'm never letting this dress go :3October 14, 2017
Best way to keep up with blog updates
Lolita fashion is one of the niche interests where blogging is very common. We read each other blogs for fun and inspiration. However, when reading a handful of blogs, it may become hard to keep track of them. So I started to look into best way to track updates of my favorites.
Both are free, very popular, and have similar functionality. You can add blogs, sort them into folders, and you're notified of new blog posts and can read them there. So which one is better?
What is your favorite way to keep up with blog posts?
Web browser bookmarks
The most simple way. Just bookmark the blogs into one bookmark folder. I have been using this and unless you just sometimes read a few blogs, I don't recommend it. You have to manually check each blog and see if there is anything new. Ouch!Follow blogs on Blogspot
Blogspot has a functionality which allows you to follow other blogspot blogs. Then they appear in a list of blogs you follow and you can conveniently read new blog posts in Blogspots Reading List. It's all great.. but works only for blogspot blogs! :'-(RSS feed
It's a common functionality of blogs, most all blogs have RSS. RSS works in such a way that you subscribe to RSS of the blogs you want to track and it alerts you to new content on the subscribed blogs. To use RSS, you need an RSS reader, in which the posts from all the blogs you follow will be chronologically listed. There are many RSS readers out there to pick from. My favorites are...Both are free, very popular, and have similar functionality. You can add blogs, sort them into folders, and you're notified of new blog posts and can read them there. So which one is better?
Feedly vs. Bloglovin'
Bloglovin' changed its functionality (details here). Basically, instead of being just RSS reader, Bloglovin' now COPIES the content of people's blog posts. Which means, you don't get blog post views, you don't see the comments written toward your blog posts copy in Bloglovin', and so on. And if you remove a blog post from your blog, it still stays on Bloglovin', (like in this case). Which is why Im moving from Bloglovin' to Feedly.What is your favorite way to keep up with blog posts?
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